Thursday 28 February 2013

Cake Competition

Amazing entries from room 5.
Cake Competition on PhotoPeach
Devon First place, Samuel end place.

Cake Competition on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Swim It

Swim It - swimming lessons on PhotoPeach

Today some of us learn' t wiggly worm with our new swim it teachers.

Today we learn' t about heaps of fun swimming lessons like  back stroke,freestyle and rocket arms.
we all enjoy swimming now. Now every body HAS to bring their togs!
Paige Thorp and Stacey Wepa

Thursday 21 February 2013

Care of our equipment Please

Unfortunately the last 2 days have not been so good for our ipads. On Thursday afternoon one was dropped whilst I was out of the class and the side damaged so we no longer have sound. Today one got dropped and the screen broke, no one came to tell me it had happened. Hopefully someone on Monday will apologize. As disappointing as it is that accidents happen, it is a valuable lesson for the person who it happened to to come and show the teacher what occured. Please parents talk to your children about caring for our equipment and if the unfortunate happens, to show the teacher straight away. Thanks

Sunday 17 February 2013


We are busy learning to write explanations. Last Friday we wrote an explanation; "How to look after a dragon", we are all currently working on explaining "Why the life of an explorer is filled with danger". I am sure you will be informative. It is fantastic to hear the students sharing their knowledge on Antarctica, great that so many families have visited the library and are learning together at home to.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Ash Wednesday, We had a liturgy in the Church, and some year 13's from JPC came too. We got ashes on our forehead to help us to remember our lent promises. (Grace and Lauren)

Monday 11 February 2013

Sunday 10 February 2013

Today we went swimming, we did freestyle and backstroke, thinking about using our arms correctly.  We then practiced some survival skills, lying on one side and kicking (Mrs Rush said just in case we had  a broken arm if we fell out of a boat).  Then we practiced carrying someone in water.  This was lots of fun and we had lots of laughs not dropping them.  When we got changed Mrs Rush put her feet in to refresh herself.

Swimming Monday 11th February on PhotoPeach