Excellent Work Room 5

Playing on the new Junior playground on PhotoPeach Jam Tarts – Room 5 Enterprise homework posters

Britten bike - well not the real one!!!

Leaning about John Britten on PhotoPeach
Inspiring People - People who Choose to carry out the Mission of Christ and make a difference. 

Wordle: John Britten by room 5 Taniwha from week 8 Room 5 Taniwha on PhotoPeach
Room 5 Artwork Room 5 Artwork Room 5 pizza recipes Procedural writing- Making a pizza

Holy Spirit dance

Poetry recital -

ANZAC art and poems- well done Room 5 I was so impressed with your painting skills and thoughtful poems.

Anzac Art and Poetry
Literacy work

Antarctica In Watercolour: Room 5 Artists What we like around the school on PhotoPeach-

Brae and Francis made this video of us singing today;

In RE we have made powerpoints about what life was like in the time of Jesus:

Week 6 - Antarctica Poetry.

Antarctica the coldest place on earth.
Where the spikey mountains live,
Where the penguins swim around (Lauren)

Antarctica the loveliest place on earth.
Where the earth relaxes,
Where intelligent animals live.  (Phebe)

Antarctica the most freezing place on earth.
Where it is cold and snowing,
Where it’s like an ice forest. (Angel)

Antarctica the most isolated place on earth.
Where it is scary and hostile,
Where it’s not the friendliest place on earth. (Sydney)

Antarctica the most beautiful place on earth.
Where the high views are peaceful,
Where the ice is like diamond’s and glitter in the sun.  (Macy)

Antarctica the lightest place on earth.
Where the light shines for six months,
Where the sun glimmers and shimmers on the ice.  (Chad)

Antarctica the darkest, windiest, coldest place on earth.
Where penguins live,
Where the frozen dessert is.  (Adrian)

Antarctica the windiest place on earth.
Where the wind cuts through your body.
Where the wind sounds like a car starting up. (Claudine)

Antarctica the coldest place on earth.
Where not many people live,
Where you have to wear warm clothes.  (Brae)

Antarctica the noisiest place on earth.
Where the wind howls,
Where like a person singing high. (Lania)

Antarctica the darkest place on earth.
Where your own shadow mocks you,
Where you can only see black and white in the darkness of the night.  (Caitlin)

Antarctica the windiest place on earth.
Where the wind cuts through your skin,
Where it blows you to the other side. (Kayleigh)

Antarctica the coldest place on earth.
Where you need to keep warm and cosy.
Where you keep in the ship with a warm hot chocolate. (Paige)

Antarctica the coldest place on earth.
Where you feel like you are in a giant freezer,
Where you will freeze while you sleep. (Michaela)

Antarctica the most isolated place on earth.
Where there is no one to been seen,
Where the animals silently watch you like ghosts.  (Caprice)

Antarctica the darkest place on earth.
Where it’s like the night sky
Where it’s dark and cold (Yana)

Antarctica the  most beautiful place on earth.
Where snow flaxes glitter around the air,
Where the icebergs shimmer in the light.  (Zoe)

Antarctica the coldest place on earth.
Where the penguins and seals live,
Where it’s always frozen.  (Jorja)

This is some of our amazing work:


Explorers Emotionsr />


  1. Well done Room 5. Enjoyed reading your poem.

  2. I loved doing the watercolours it was fun and now that mrs Rush told us how to do it properly i can do it at home.MRS RUSH YOUR THE BEST TEACHER BECAUSE YOU TEACH ME ANDTHE CLASS COOL THINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I really liked the Water paint and doing the poppies they were really fun activities to do. Mrs Rush taught us how to do the water paint properly.

  4. Brae and Francis, I like your singing trailer- especially the way I disappear and then reappear - very funny. Kapai

  5. Thank you Mrs Rush for puting the video of us on the blog ♡
    I really liked doing that dance !
