Home School Partnership

Kiaora and welcome to term 4.

Amazing – end of the year.  With a heavy heart I will say goodbye to my year 6 students, it never get’s easier to say “all the best” even knowing God will be with them still makes my heart skip a beat and many tears.  To the year 5’s step up and take the challenges next year.  As you would have heard by now next year I will be teaching year 3’s and 4’s next year – I really look forward to the challenge.  I wish you all a Blessed and happy Christmas and New Year xxx Mrs Rush


MONDAY 16th December

9. 00 am Mass Practice in church
10.00 am Mass Readers practice
11.00 am-11.30 am Missioning Practice in the hall

TUESDAY 17 th December

9.00 am Prizegiving
11.00 am Practice for Mass readers
5.10 pm Children reporting to you on school field.
5.30 pm Mass
WEDNESDAY 18 th December

11.30 am Missioning of year 6
12 noon   School Closes.

HOLIDAYS  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Week 8
7 and 1/2 school days to go...............
Year 5 camp was great all be it a bit wet!, saw some year 6's today who said they had a good time.
Swimming this week
Lots of singing and mass practises this week.
Please keep Fr Mark in your prayers, he has prostrate cancer (a reminder to all our dad's to go and get  checked) - The same week his mum and sister got some medical results - his sister's diagnosis is not as good as his, so please keep them in your prayers.
Mr Underwood (Willam - year 4's) dad passed away last week after suffering from a brain tumor.  Also sad to hear last night Michelle McIntyre and Paula Mellors Father suddenly died yesterday.
Fr Mark today in his homily talked about doing all you do for the Glory of God, so that will be the class focus this week.
Thanks for your ongoing support
Mrs Rush

Week Seven:
Art exhibition - Thursday - the classroom will be open from 3- 5.30 for you to come and view your child's art.  We had planned an afternoon for the Wednesday - but the whole senior team, will be open on Thursday evening - it would be great to see all parents.
Friday - Year 6 Retreat / Year 5 leadership day
Monday - Kapa Haka are preforming - all the best.

Tuesday night:  6.30 pm Consultation mtg with Indian Community. (Room 15)
Camps are nearly here - if you are having any problems with this or need assistance to get some gear please email me - I will help with anything needed. teresa@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz
Have a great week - look forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon if possible.

Week six:
Art Art Art - this week in class we will be creating our personal art ready for our exhibition next week.  Next Thursday 3.15- 5.30 - times to be finalised yet.
Athletics - Friday please see school notice for more details.
Camp = now is an excellent time to check you have all the gear.

Week Five;
It was great to see students completing work last week on Saints and a Pacific Island brochure.  The standard of their work is excellent.  We will keep the focus on learning going,  testing is well underway and hopefully most of the major tasks will be completed by the end of the week.
SWIMMING  - great weather for it.
Grandparents Mass and Concert - Friday - Mass 9am followed by morning tea and then a concert.  If your child's grandparent is not in Rotorua please invite someone special to your family to come along if you like. 
We look forward to an artists visit this week.
Keep an eye on the blog some students will be adding our Rosary pics and Andrew Chinn pics onto it.
Thursday - Character Day

Week Four: Another busy week ahead.
Tuesday: Andrew Chinn will be visiting the school,  We are having an evening concert at 6.30- 7.30- students are expected to arrive at 6.20 please.  This gives you enough time to watch the Melbourne Cup, have dinner and then come and enjoy an early great concert.
Now is a good time to check the gear list for camp and ensure you have all necessary items.
Pre-Puberty for year 6 students is on Friday this week. 

Friday: From Mrs Cato
The Health Promoting Schools team are organising a Fruit Friday on Friday 8 November, to encourage students to bring fresh fruit and veges in their lunchbox each day.
Students are invited to bring a piece of fruit or raw vegetable to the collection box (outside the hall by the Junior Playground) before school on Friday. Some of the parents on the Health Promoting Schools team will then prepare the fruit and veges for shared platters which will be available outside the hall at morning tea time. Please send a piece of fruit or a vegetable that can be eaten raw (e.g. carrot/ celery/tomato/broccoli/ cauliflower) to school on Friday if you are able to. Thank you.

Week Three
A short week this week - I hope you all had a great 3 days.
This week we will be swimming
Trip on Friday afternoon - we do require 2 parent helpers on this trip - if you can assist please let me know - teresa@stmarys.rotorua.school.nz
Pre-Puberty meeting Tuesday night 5.30 - 6.00 in room 5 (year 6 students)
Golden Time: All Saints/ All Souls/ All Hallows Eve party.  (Shared Lunch)

 Week Two
Well done to all the students who returned their holiday home reading. 
It has been great to see a few parents this week in regards to their child's learning, please come and see me anytime.
We had a great start to our art electives, in the music class students asked some really amazing and intelligent questions of our visiting celebrity - Sam Yoeward - past student and X factor contender.
Museum Trip: This is week 3 (sorry -  not this week) Friday 1.00 - 2.30 if you would like to come on the trip please send me a note or an email, we will need at least 2 parent helpers.
I am at my final incredible years Professional development this Friday, I am really pleased by the use of this programme in class and the way that the students respond is excellent.
No swimming this week.
Wednesday; cake stall for the Philippines.  
Thursday; art
I hope you all had a great weekend in the sun, The Rush whanau got a lot of gardening done and some fun family time at Rainbow Springs.
Next week is Labour Day on Monday so no school.  Please keep in your prayers my parents who will be celebrating 60 years of marriage this coming weekend.

Week one
An exciting term ahead with our concept Symbolism - Messages in Art.
Room 5 will be focusing on Pacifica- Students will complete country studies, including history, culture and general knowledge.
We will have a trip to the Museum in week 2 - Friday
Swimming starts this week 12pm - 12.30 daily.  Please bring togs tomorrow..
Camps are nearly here - please see me if you have any concerns.
I look forward to a really busy and exciting term.  Keep the reading up and bring in the reading forms.

We had a St Mary's team in the Rotorua Ekiden on the weekend.  Mrs Andrews, Mrs Hall, Mrs Keaney, Mrs Waititi, Mrs Pinfold and my self.  So be gentle on Monday I may be hobbling a bit - we got a cool medal which I will share. And some photos!!!


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