Tuesday 23 April 2013

Creeper in Room 5

Sarah made a creeper for Samuel's birthday, it visited the classroom! Then tonight Samuel used his movie app and created this cool short video. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Great work this week

Check out our page with excellent work from room 5 for some of our amazing work we have done this week. Don't forget you are welcome to come to our room tomorrow from 2pm - 4pm. If you can make it we will see you then.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Mass today

Today we went to the parish mass and then Father Mark told us about the Paschal candle. He told us about the 5 wounds, Father Mark told us that the date of the year always has to be on the candle, the cross always has to be on the candle, the koru patterns don't always have to be on the candle, The wax they use is bees wax; it smell's like honey. He told us that two wounds are on Jesus' two hands, two feet and one on his side, the wound on his side was from a spear and blood and water came out. The nail has a grain of incense inside. In Reporoa a half of a church burnt down because they forgot to blow out the candle and they only go once a week to the church. Luckily there was a house next door and the people called the fire brigade. By Yana and Briana Mass this morning on PhotoPeach

Monday 8 April 2013

This Weekend

This Saturday the school is having a working bee - all help would be appreciated, come along meet others and support us.

Excitement galore

Today we had unexpected visitors in the sky. Some amazing aerobatics by the golden planes! We watched as they did loops, dives and even drew a heart in the sky. This led to a discussion on how lucky we are in NZ, not to have to run for cover if you hear planes above us, it really makes us appreciate where we live.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Today we meditated:
Student comments:

Laurence: when I was walking to the garden I saw a white person and asked where he took Jesus and he said, is your name Laurence and I started to cry in my head.

Adrian: I felt relaxing and happy, Jesus was like my friend.

Sydney: I started crying in my head because I met Jesus, when I sat next to him I could not believe it was Jesus.

Brendon: When I was walking to the tomb, I saw nothing there so I ran to my friends and they came back.  They did not believe me so they walked away and then Jesus came out of the garden. 

Paige: When I was walking to the tomb heaps of people were there, I told them Jesus was not there and they did not believe me.  They went home one by one, I saw someone coming through the garden, he said my name and it sounded like Jesus.

Meditation with the Risen Lord on PhotoPeach