Thursday 23 May 2013

Hi everyone. As some of you may be aware, Tara Chapman has been diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour. We want to help Tara, and her family! (Tara is the 6-year old daughter of Jenny and Eden Chapman. Jenny leads Children’s Liturgy and led a group in the Sacramental Programme run recently.) And so you are asked: · To pray, every day, through the intercession of Blessed John Paul, that Tara will be healed of this affliction. · To give, to help the family with their many expenses at this time. We will hold an account in the parish for them – you can contribute by placing your donation in an envelope marked “Tara”, and put it in the collection basket, or hand it in to the parish office, or deposit it in the St Mary’s Parish account (02 0342 0050016 026; code: Tara) · To help in any way you can – contact Rachel Pola (021 250 4726) or Rose Florence (3666 796) if you can help in any way – gardening, baking, firewood.  God bless you all Fr Mark

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