Saturday 14 December 2013


CHRISTMAS PARTY ROOM 5 on PhotoPeach Our party continued on PhotoPeach

Monday 9 December 2013

Formal Christmas Lunch

Please see note sent home today about lunch on Wednesday, would love to see you there.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Dec 4 2013

The teachers at Year 5 camp have asked for a note to be placed on the blogs. It has been very wet today and some of the children have already used a number of changes of dry clothes. If you are coming out to visit your child at Year 5 camp we suggest you bring some extra changes of clothes for your child. Thanks.

Monday 2 December 2013

Dec 3 update re Year 5 Camp

Some quick reminders for tomorrow
     Come to school at the normal time in MUFTI
     Please put home baking in the hall into the boxes provided
      Rain is forecast – please bring a proper raincoat (and sun hat and sunblock - just in case!)
      Bring your morning tea, a drink and lunch

Contact details –           
St Marys 348 1701
Susan Nelson 027 697 4000
Sylvia Dunkley 027 5625 441
Teresa Rush 027 2570 668

Tui Ridge 260 Anderson Road (via Oturoa Road), Rd 2, Rotorua 3072       07-332 2508

Monday 25 November 2013


Year 6 - Retreat - please wear mufti. Bring your morning tea, lunch, drink.  Pencil cases.  Meet in quad outside senior rooms.

Year 5- Leadership day - Please bring bike helmet to fit for next week.  Togs for swimming.

Monday 18 November 2013

Year 6 Camp Gear list

YEAR 6 Student Gear List  -

NB: Please attach a luggage tag to the outside of your bag(s), which clearly indicates your name and class.

Backpack, or small bag, which the student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:
  • Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
  • Raincoat
  • Sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Pencil case with pens/pencils

Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing
Pillow and pillowcase
Sleeping bag or sheets and duvet/blankets
Two towels
Swimsuit and plastic bag
Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey
Jeans, trousers or sweatpants
Sports shoes or similar
Jandals or sandals
Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush
Pencil case with pens, pencils, felts etc
Small notebook for daily reflections

Camera  - bring at your own risk
E-reader or small electronic game console e.g ipod for on the bus – bring at own risk.
Pack of cards or small board game

NO cellphones
NO knives
NO aerosol deodorant sprays or similar

Year 5 camp gear list

YEAR 5 CAMP Student Gear List  -

NB: Please attach a luggage tag to the outside of your bag(s), which clearly indicates your name and class.

Backpack, or small bag, which the student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:
·       Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
·       Raincoat
·       Sunhat
·       Sunblock
·       Swimsuit, towel, rash top (optional)
·       Pencil/Pen and paper

Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing
Pillow and pillowcase
Sleeping bag or sheets and duvet/blankets
Two towels
Swimsuit and plastic bag-
Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey
Jeans, trousers or sweatpants    
Sports shoes or similar
Jandals or sandals
Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush

Camera (bring at your own risk)
Pack of cards or small board game

Important meetings this week

REMINDERS FOR PARENTS This week the school is hosting some community meetings. The discussion will be on some aspects of our Charter and planned E-learning developments for the school for next year. The meetings will be held in Room 15 and are scheduled for: Wednesday 20 November General Meeting 3.15 pm Whanau Group 5.30 pm Thursday 21 November General Meeting 8.45 am (meeting in Hall) Filipino Community 3.15 pm Pasifika Fono 5.30 pm General Meeting 7.00pm Tuesday 26 November Indian Community 6.30 pm Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting time slot that suits. The same content will be presented at each meeting. It would be good if everyone could try to come to a meeting - particularly parents of children who are currently in Year 2 or 3. This is because the school is planning to allow students in Year 3/4 in 2014 to bring a Chromebook to school if they wish (probably from start of Term 2).

Sunday 20 October 2013

Cake Stall - Wednesday

Room 3, with help from some of the Young Vinnies, will be holding a cake stall on Wednesday to raise money to help the people effected by the recent earthquake in the Phillipines. Cakes will on sale at 10.30 outside Room 3 for $1 and 50c. - If you would like to donate a cake, it would be appreciated.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Welcome to term 4

Kiaora and welcome to term 4.
An exciting term ahead with our concept Symbolism - Messages in Art.
Room 5 will be focusing on Pacifica- Studnets will compelete country studies, including history, culture and general knowledge. 
We will have a trip to the Museum in week 2 - Friday
Swimming starts this week 12pm - 12.30 daily.  Please bring togs tomorrow..
Camps are nearly here - please see me if you have any concerns.
I look forward to a really busy and exciting term.  Keep the reading up and bring in the reading forms.

We had a St Mary's team in the Rotorua Ekiden on the weekend.  Mrs Andrews, Mrs Hall, Mrs Keaney, Mrs Waititi, Mrs Pinfold and my self.  So be gentle on Monday I may be hobbling a bit - we got a cool medal which I will share. And some photos!!!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Term 3  Reflection

This term we have done an enterprising jam tart in a group we had to make a jam tart that was good for a children's lunch box. We had to make a speech that was about our jam tart the speech that Mrs Rush liked the most went into the speech competitions which was the Dragons Den one of the groups in our class got into the competition.  Lauren Strathern.

Monday 19 August 2013

Jam Tart Consumer Preferences

Please follow the link below and fill out the forms to help us with our technology. Thanks, Room 5

Room 5 Jam Tart Survey

Saturday 10 August 2013


We received a very special letter from the Champan family - We have all been praying for Tara.  Click on the letter below so you are able to read the letter, and turn the pages.
Chapman Family Letter

Thursday 1 August 2013

Important Notices

To book a school interview for next week:
code: H5SQL
and book a time. 
I look forward to seeing all families at the interviews.

Another short notice:
It is important that all students have correct supplies for school, many at the moment do not have rulers.  Some students are also ready for new reading and draft writing books. 
Teresa Rush

Thursday 4 July 2013

Ruma Rima Hikoi - Ohinemutu

Hikoi to Ohinemutu Village on PhotoPeach Hikoi to Ohinemutu Village part 2 on PhotoPeach

Sunday 30 June 2013

Week 8

Tumeke sums up Kingi Biddle, all students hung off his every word. He gave us a great lesson on belonging and how we have connections through our ancestors. 

Key Competencies, Today in class we had a great hands on experience in relating to others and participating.  All within making cookies!! - Look for our reflections on how we did in our profile books.

Making Cookies on PhotoPeach

Sunday 23 June 2013

Winter Bugs- Tissues

Part of our school stationery was 2 boxes of tissues, some students have already brought these in.  We have now run out of those ones and ones that I purchased.  Please send in some tissues, this helps reduce the spread of bugs.  Your child is also welcome to bring in some hand sanitizer if they like.
Teresa Rush

Friday 21 June 2013

All in a weeks work!!

What a busy week. The trip to the recycling center was excellent, Thanks to Mrs Quirke. Thanks to Phebe's mum and Stacey's dad for coming on the trip, and to Mr Macmillan who sent the bus to rescue us in the rain. Scone making on PhotoPeach Recycling Trip on PhotoPeach Recycling Trip part 2 on PhotoPeach Author Visit on PhotoPeach Bear Branches competition

Sunday 16 June 2013

Thank you Room 5

Thank you room 5 I was so spoiled and looked after on Friday, You were so gentle with me on my birthday and I loved reading the cards again this weekend.  You are truly an amazing group of young people; thank you for being you.

animated birthday cake photo: animated cake wrcak.gif

Saturday 8 June 2013

Happy Birthday Sarah

And happy birthday to Sonja as well - hope you had a great day.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

God Bless Mrs Donovan

It is with a tear in my eye and a smile on my face that I think about Gaye Donovan. Gaye achieved so much working at St Mary’s and other schools; she taught many children who will always remember her fondly. She always showed compassion in all she did and her service to Catholic education will live on forever. She was a role model and lived the faith which we so preciously hold at our center.

Please keep Gaye’s family in your prayers, especially Brigit Donovan a release teacher here at St Mary’s and her Grandchildren Hemi and Flossy; her husband Viv and all her family; that God will support them in their time of sorrow and give them comfort.

I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one, 
I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. 
I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, 
of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those who grieve, 
to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave behind when day is done. 
Helen Lowrie Marshall

Thursday 23 May 2013

Prayer for Tara (through the intercession of Blessed John Paul II)

 O Blessed Trinity, we thank You for having graced the Church with Blessed John Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of Your Fatherly care, the glory of the Cross of Christ, and the splendour of the Spirit of love, to shine through him. Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with You. Grant us, by his intercession, and according to Your will, healing for Tara, in the hope that Blessed John Paul will soon be numbered among Your saints. Amen.

Hi everyone. As some of you may be aware, Tara Chapman has been diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour. We want to help Tara, and her family! (Tara is the 6-year old daughter of Jenny and Eden Chapman. Jenny leads Children’s Liturgy and led a group in the Sacramental Programme run recently.) And so you are asked: · To pray, every day, through the intercession of Blessed John Paul, that Tara will be healed of this affliction. · To give, to help the family with their many expenses at this time. We will hold an account in the parish for them – you can contribute by placing your donation in an envelope marked “Tara”, and put it in the collection basket, or hand it in to the parish office, or deposit it in the St Mary’s Parish account (02 0342 0050016 026; code: Tara) · To help in any way you can – contact Rachel Pola (021 250 4726) or Rose Florence (3666 796) if you can help in any way – gardening, baking, firewood.  God bless you all Fr Mark

Sunday 12 May 2013

Confirmation and First Communion

Congratulations to all the students, you all looked lovely and I hope you enjoyed your special day.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Creeper in Room 5

Sarah made a creeper for Samuel's birthday, it visited the classroom! Then tonight Samuel used his movie app and created this cool short video. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Great work this week

Check out our page with excellent work from room 5 for some of our amazing work we have done this week. Don't forget you are welcome to come to our room tomorrow from 2pm - 4pm. If you can make it we will see you then.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Mass today

Today we went to the parish mass and then Father Mark told us about the Paschal candle. He told us about the 5 wounds, Father Mark told us that the date of the year always has to be on the candle, the cross always has to be on the candle, the koru patterns don't always have to be on the candle, The wax they use is bees wax; it smell's like honey. He told us that two wounds are on Jesus' two hands, two feet and one on his side, the wound on his side was from a spear and blood and water came out. The nail has a grain of incense inside. In Reporoa a half of a church burnt down because they forgot to blow out the candle and they only go once a week to the church. Luckily there was a house next door and the people called the fire brigade. By Yana and Briana Mass this morning on PhotoPeach

Monday 8 April 2013

This Weekend

This Saturday the school is having a working bee - all help would be appreciated, come along meet others and support us.

Excitement galore

Today we had unexpected visitors in the sky. Some amazing aerobatics by the golden planes! We watched as they did loops, dives and even drew a heart in the sky. This led to a discussion on how lucky we are in NZ, not to have to run for cover if you hear planes above us, it really makes us appreciate where we live.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Today we meditated:
Student comments:

Laurence: when I was walking to the garden I saw a white person and asked where he took Jesus and he said, is your name Laurence and I started to cry in my head.

Adrian: I felt relaxing and happy, Jesus was like my friend.

Sydney: I started crying in my head because I met Jesus, when I sat next to him I could not believe it was Jesus.

Brendon: When I was walking to the tomb, I saw nothing there so I ran to my friends and they came back.  They did not believe me so they walked away and then Jesus came out of the garden. 

Paige: When I was walking to the tomb heaps of people were there, I told them Jesus was not there and they did not believe me.  They went home one by one, I saw someone coming through the garden, he said my name and it sounded like Jesus.

Meditation with the Risen Lord on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 27 March 2013


I wish you all a happy and Blessed Easter. Take time to pray as a family and enjoy some time together. God Bless you all. I am off to the beach - hoping the paddle crabs don't bite this weekend! - your child may have already told you- I was ATTACKED- by the biggest crab ever last weekend - scars to prove it. Have a restful 5 days off Room 5, and be good for the Easter bunny, I have emailed the bunny and told him you are the best. xx Mrs Rush


We have had a great week learning about the last week of Jesus our Saviour.
It started last week with the Donkey Parade, Stations of the Cross, learning about Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Resurrection.  Please enjoy some of our work below.

Stations of the Cross on PhotoPeach
Washing of the Feet Today we read the 4 Gospels and what happened at the Resurrection, this is what we found by comparing and contrasting them:

Sunday 24 March 2013

Mind over Matter- Golden time

What did you think you were eating - how can such yummy things scare us!!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Buddy Reading is so cool

Buddy Reading with Room 12 on PhotoPeach

Life Education

Yesterday we went to Life Education, Thanks Bernie and Harold, see you in two years time. Life Education lesson 2 - Friends on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 19 March 2013

How to comment on our blog.

Maybe you'd like to add a comment to a posting in your child's class blog but don't know how to. Hope the following will help you. 1. Go to the bottom of the posting you wish to make a comment on and it will tell you there are either no comments or will tell you the number of comments that have been posted. Click on "no comments' or for example "1 comment". 2. Post a comment - write what you want to say. 3. Comment as - you need to select something. If you have a google account you can select this and login in otherwise select the option name (Just write your name and ignore the url bit) or select the option anonymous. 4. Click Publish - note that you will have to show that you are a real person by typing in the word and/or numbers that display then click publish We look forward to reading your comments.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Stranger Danger

Hi whanau, just a timely reminder to talk to your children about stranger danger. Role play with them, getting them to use a stern, loud voice to tell unwanted people to go away, to name the problem, eg.  "Leave me alone now, I do not want to go for a walk with you"...
Get them to practise, walking up tall and having head up looking about them. 
Role playing is an excellent way for them to learn these skills and to practise them and talk to you about stranger danger.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Pope Francis

It is very exciting that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergogligo is to be our new Pope Francis We pray for him.
Life Education on PhotoPeach And one video I found that I had not shared!! Tug of war on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Why is the South Pole so Cold?

Elisapeta and Lania read a great book Why is the south pole so cold?, Here they are sharing it with you.

Monday 4 March 2013

Thursday 28 February 2013

Cake Competition

Amazing entries from room 5.
Cake Competition on PhotoPeach
Devon First place, Samuel end place.

Cake Competition on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Swim It

Swim It - swimming lessons on PhotoPeach

Today some of us learn' t wiggly worm with our new swim it teachers.

Today we learn' t about heaps of fun swimming lessons like  back stroke,freestyle and rocket arms.
we all enjoy swimming now. Now every body HAS to bring their togs!
Paige Thorp and Stacey Wepa

Thursday 21 February 2013

Care of our equipment Please

Unfortunately the last 2 days have not been so good for our ipads. On Thursday afternoon one was dropped whilst I was out of the class and the side damaged so we no longer have sound. Today one got dropped and the screen broke, no one came to tell me it had happened. Hopefully someone on Monday will apologize. As disappointing as it is that accidents happen, it is a valuable lesson for the person who it happened to to come and show the teacher what occured. Please parents talk to your children about caring for our equipment and if the unfortunate happens, to show the teacher straight away. Thanks

Sunday 17 February 2013


We are busy learning to write explanations. Last Friday we wrote an explanation; "How to look after a dragon", we are all currently working on explaining "Why the life of an explorer is filled with danger". I am sure you will be informative. It is fantastic to hear the students sharing their knowledge on Antarctica, great that so many families have visited the library and are learning together at home to.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Ash Wednesday, We had a liturgy in the Church, and some year 13's from JPC came too. We got ashes on our forehead to help us to remember our lent promises. (Grace and Lauren)

Monday 11 February 2013

Sunday 10 February 2013

Today we went swimming, we did freestyle and backstroke, thinking about using our arms correctly.  We then practiced some survival skills, lying on one side and kicking (Mrs Rush said just in case we had  a broken arm if we fell out of a boat).  Then we practiced carrying someone in water.  This was lots of fun and we had lots of laughs not dropping them.  When we got changed Mrs Rush put her feet in to refresh herself.

Swimming Monday 11th February on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Kiaora and welcome to Room 5 2012.  An exciting year ahead of leaning with Christ as our Centre.
This term our concept is Communities, We will be learning about communities based in Antarctica, The NZ Army and Rangatira Island.  The photo below is from when the Rush family went to the Antarctica Centre in Christchurch, it was such great fun and I will share more photo's with you and lots of fantastic information when we start the term.  If you are keen check out some of the links on Learners Central to get into the swing of learning again.  See you all soon, I am looking forward to working with you and your families this year.